Trope Review

The term E-literature or Electronic literature refers to literary works presented by electronic means. The electronic literature has its own features that distinguish it from the traditional form of hard form or non-electronic literature. The addition of sounds and visual representation add up to the literary qualities of an e-literature. The term literature itself proves that the work being presented is a literary work. There are various forms of literature that are presented electronically. The literary work under navigation is Trope by Sara Waterson, Elena Knox and Cristyn Davis.  The different features of this electronic literary work include the visual, sounds, text and impression of the literature.

            The sounds used in Trope are electronic jazz sound which makes it a piece of modern literature. The electronic literature has a key feature of producing a sound impression on the viewer or reader. The reader is impressed and influenced by the sound used in presentation of the electronic literature (“Trope”). Humans can relate to different situations with different kinds of sounds, hence the sounds used to create a hard image of the text.

            The visual features of the Trope description used dark and bold colors like red and black that further add up to the dark or hard image of the literary work presented electronically.  Humans also can relate different colors with different contextual situations hence the usage of certain colors to create certain meanings when used in electronic literature. A simple text also has the ability to communicate with readers, but the piece is further enhanced by incorporating various colors that make the message or crux of the literary work more communicable. Hence the colors used in the Trope introduction, creates a dark or serious image of the literary work.

            The other main feature is the arrangement or formatting of the text online. There are various formats available online to present a literary work electronically. The authors have used different sections of the page to illustrate different parts of the literary work. The electronic literature is also able to provide different colors for different sections to enhance or lower the impression of the text being presented.

            The use of symbolic language makes the electronic literature more engaging for the audience. The symbolic words and metaphors like “floating geometric maze” and “a firework display” make the text a literary piece presented electronically.

            The electronic text also has the ability to create a virtual world that assists the readers of the text to not only imagine the world created through mere text, but also to view the virtual world by visual representations of the texts. Hence the readers are assisted by various sounds and visuals that add up to the impression of the literary texts.

            The piece also proves the fact that form is also important in literature, like the content. The form enhances the experience of the readers or audience regarding the content of the literary works. 

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